Monday, July 7, 2014

What You Should Know About Skin Care Products

When the average person shops for skin care products, they generally read the front of the package and base their decision on what is stated. However, by doing this, you are not getting all the information you need to base your decision. You should really be paying the most attention to what is on the back of the package and what is listed in the ingredients.
A common ingredient in skin care products is alcohol. Unfortunately, for many people, this can lead to dry skin or other skin irritations. Always be aware of what the ingredients are, as the front of the package could state the product is alcohol free, but the list of ingredients could include cetyl, ceteryl, or stearyl, which are all another type of alcohol. If your skin is already dry, these ingredients can easily make it worse.
You will also see products that are boasting to be hypoallergenic. To most people, this term means that users will not have an allergic reaction to the product. However, regardless of whether or not the product has been tested for sensitivity or not, everyone is different and some may still have a skin reaction to the product. The best thing you can do is to test any new product out on a small, inconspicuous place before using it on your whole face.
Pay very close attention to whether or not the product is being recommended for your particular skin type. The truth is, many people are actually unaware of which skin type they have and buy those that do not help them. If your skin is oily, the last thing you want to do is add more moisturizer to it with a product that is meant for dry skin. It could actually cause your pores to clog and acne to develop. On the other hand, a product for oily skin that is used on dry skin will only dry it out even more.
To make the smartest purchases for your skin type, you should also be aware of the different types of products. Cleansers are used to actually cleanse the dirt from your skin and you should use one for your particular skin type. A moisturizer is used to keep your skin from drying out or aging too quickly. An exfoliant can be used to remove the excess dead skin cells. These are just a few of the products that you should consider to help to get your skin in great shape.

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